Current Chapter Officers
CH07119 (Montreal Section Chapter, E25)
Dr. Pierre Marie Ntang
Position: Chapter Chair (June 27, 2024 – )
Chapter Vice Chair (January 1, 2023- June 27, 2024)

IEEE Region: 7 (Canada)
Dr. Pierre Marie Ntang
is an academic and IT solutions expert with a distinguished career in both education and the public sector. Holding a PhD in Cognitive Computing from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM / TELUQ), a master’s degree in engineering sciences, and a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, he has consistently demonstrated his expertise in designing, implementing, and maintaining IT solutions. Pierre Marie has a robust background in IT management and education. Currently, he serves as a Lecturer at TÉLUQ, Montreal, where he has been teaching more than fifteen computer science courses since 2020. Previously, Pierre Marie served as the Operations Manager and Unit Chief at the Ministry of Finance’s IT Division in Yaoundé, Cameroon in Africa. Pierre Marie’s academic achievements are complemented by numerous professional certifications, including University Teaching, Oracle (SQL), Blockchain Fundamentals, Blockchain Solution Architect, Unity (in C#), Workplace First Aid, PMP, PMI-ACP, and Microsoft Azure AI (in C# and Python). Pierre Marie is proficient in a variety of computer skills, including MS Office 365, VBA, SQL, MDX, SPARQL, Microsoft SSIS, Pentaho Data Integration, UML, Merise, JavaScript, Java, C, C++, Python, Scheme, PHP, Prolog, Pascal, R, Assembler, COBOL, C#, Linux SHELL, XML, HTML, CSS, SVG, RDF, RDFS, OWL, Moodle, Node.JS, REACT, Argo UML, JADE, SPSS, WordPress, Batch, .NET 5, Unity, and machine learning in R and Python environments.
Pierre Marie actively contributes to the professional community. He was the Vice Chair of the IEEE Education Society’s Montreal Chapter (2023-2024). Additionally, he is the Chair of the Webmaster Committee of the IEEE Canadian Foundation. Dr Pierre Marie actively participated in the development of the IEEE Std 2145™-2023 Standard on Blockchain Governance, a standard approved and published in 2024. Our new Acting Chair has also participated as a reviewer for several articles in various journals and conferences, including Frontiers in Education (FIE). His PhD’s title was about “Visualize to understand: application to vector programming ».
CH07119 (Montreal Section Chapter, E25)
Type: Chapter
Dr. Antonio Crespo
Position: Chapter Chair (January 1, 2023- June 27, 2024 )

IEEE Region: 7 (Canada)
Dr. Antonio Crespo lifelong career includes senior government positions and diplomatic assignments (United Nations – UN), such as Executive Secretary of the Commission for the Preparation of the Brazilian Airspace Control System for the FIFA 2014 World Cup (project manager), member of the Special Operations Committee of the National Commission of Airports Authorities, Deputy-coordinator of the Olympics 2016 Air Transportation Operations Command and Control Center (coordinator of inter-agencies collaboration), CTO at the Brazilian Center for Air Navigation Management, and Alternate Representative of Brazil to the International Civil Aviation Council (ICAO – UN). He is currently the CEO and founder of the DreamerGate R&D Ent. Inc.
In his academic career, Dr. Crespo has been conducting AI related activities since 2003. He is a member of the TransLab – Laboratory for the Research and Development of Computational Models applied to Air Transportation (University of Brasilia), associate editor of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, and Chair of the IEEE Education Society – Montreal Chapter. Throughout his career, Dr. Crespo actively worked to foster the integration among Academia, industry and government.
Among his latest initiatives, Dr. Antonio Crespo took part in the development of the McGill University SCS course Predictive and Classification Modeling (Professional Development Certificate in Applied Artificial Intelligence), and he supports, as a mentor, the Concordia University Innovation Lab challenges addressing Applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Dr. Crespo is also one of the External Experts of the Commission d’évaluation de l’enseignement collégial (CÉEC – Gouvernement du Québec).
Past Chapter Officers
CH07119 (Montreal Section Chapter, E25)
Type: Chapter
Pr. Hamadou Saliah-Hassane
Position: Chapter Chair (2005-2022)

IEEE Region: 7 (Canada)
Professor Saliah-Hassane earned a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from McGill University in Montreal, a Bachelor and Master of Applied Science degree from École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada. He is currently teaching Informatics and Computer Networks and Security at TELUQ University in Montreal where he is carrying research on Intelligent Distributed Systems and Mobile Robotics. Professor Saliah-Hassane has received many awards in recognition of his accomplishments, including many IEEE Education Society Certificates of Appreciation, IEEE Education Society’s EdWin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award (2019). And aligned with his work on Distributed Embedded Systems, the IEEE Standards Association award with appreciation for chairing and contributing to the development of IEEE Standard 1876TM – 2019 on “Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories” (2019), the IEEE SA 2019 Emerging Technology Awarded to IEEE SA 1876TM – 2019 Working Group. Under the Candidate leadership as the Chair of Montreal IEEE Education Society Chapter (2005 -2022), the Chapter received the “2019 Chapter Achievement Award for sustained contributions of innovative educational and professional activities in the community”.